Our Story
In February of 2012 while attending BioFach (Organic Tradeshow Nurnberg Germany) I (Anndrea) was at the amazing Hanfwelt booth where I noticed the book in the back of the booth. I instantly fell in love with the illustrations - even though I could not understand the German text. I was gushing about the book and at the end of the show, the team from Hanfwelt gifted me the book. From there my journey with Trallala began.
I was told that although there is no direct translation for the word Trallala the word implies a feeling of happiness and pure joy. This was exactly how I feel about hemp and how everyone feels when they are in a hemp field or singing its praises!
Along came Norma Urban in July of 2012… On my hobby farm in Canada, I am a host for WWOOF Canada (Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms) a cultural exchange program. While Norma, a German native, was WWOOFing in Canada she came to stay at my farm. I, of course, thought GREAT she can read me the book but she did one better than that she translated it! From there I contacted Markus, Rothwitha and Rooobert and they granted me the right to proceed with an English version! With the help of others, we finessed this version. The namesakes of the characters in the book are loved ones dear to myself and to my son.
We hope you enjoy the book and that it sparks hempen joy within you!
Anndrea Hermann
Executive Producer
Anndrea Hermann, M.Sc,B.GS, P.Ag.- Internationally renowned hemp expert Anndrea Hermann is originally from Joplin, Missouri. She graduated from Missouri Southern State University, Joplin, MO in 2002 with a B.GS in Hemp Ecolonomics.
She acquired an internship with the hemp farming growers’ co-op in the summer of 2001 and in late 2003, she was selected as a Manitoban Provincial Nominee under the Unique Skilled Worker Program (Hemp Technician). Anndrea became a Canadian landed immigrant/permanent resident in 2004 and in July of 2012 she became a Canadian Citizen holding dual USA citizenship.
In August of 2008 she completed a Master’s of Science in Hemp Fibre Agronomy at the University of Manitoba. She has authored articles, edited and co-authored books/chapters and industry reviews. In 2009 she was awarded the Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance’s Hemp Builder of the Industry honor, in 2010 she was recognized by the Canadian Government as an Investment Champion, 2011, Anndrea was selected as A Champion of the New Rural Economy in Manitoba, 2017, Anndrea was the first women inducted into the Hemp History Hall of Fame, 2018 she was the recipient of the HIA Lifetime Achievement Award and in 2019 she was one of the 10 persons selected by Hemp History Week as a key advocate in the last 10 years.
With over 21 years’ experience in the International Cannabis industry, she has a wide range of interdisciplinary skills: Hemp Fibre & Seed Agronomy, Hemp Field Trials & Crop THC Sampling, Product Quality Standards and Testing, Sales, Marketing, Product Development, Regulatory Affairs, Certifications and Licensing, Client to Client Connections, Hemp Building Applications, Project Analysis, Bodycare, Fashion, Food and so much more….
Anndrea continues to share her experiences in the areas of hemp cultivation, processing, regulations and networking (all things hempy). She has an exemplary professional service record in the domestic and international hemp sector from regulation to field to end consumer. Not only does she respect this plant but it is a way of life for her, eating hemp, wearing hemp, and building with hemp, speaking about hemp, sharing knowledge and inspiring others to do the same. Cannabis is part of Anndrea’s final vocabulary.
Original Authors and Illustrators
First Published in Austria in 2006 as Alle lieben Trallala by Markus J. Altenfels and Roswitha Mayr with illustrations by Rooobert Bayer.
Supporting Team
Norma Urban
Norma Urban studied at Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany. During a work and travel year in 2012 she met Anndrea. While helping on Anndrea’s farm Norma was introduced to Anndrea’s passion for hemp and the children's books named Trallala. In the following weeks Norma helped her translate the story to English so that she could read it to Anndrea and thus created the opportunity for children everywhere to enjoy the adventures of Trallala.
Nini Martino
Nini Martino along with her son Zack DiLiberto authored “Hemp” a story of a fifth generation hemp-farmer and his unconventional daughter that are struggling to keep their farm intact through the throes of the Great Depression and during the prohibition of hemp farming in the USA as a powerful anti-hemp lobby tries to destroy their livelihood. The story is based on actual events, and documented Congressional testimony. She has also published many other works.
Joni Lane Coles
Joni Lane Coles is currently the Chief Strategy Officer at Sigora Solar, is an award winning graphic designer and graduate of Boston Architectural College with a Masters in Sustainable Design. She is passionate about creating valuable, sustainable and regenerative solutions by which humans can continue to live without threatening to render our planet uninhabitable. In her popular TEDx talk “Building with Hemp”, she goes into the powerful impact of bio-based building materials, specifically hempcrete, and how they can help to heal our built environment. Focusing on addressing indoor contaminants and their effect on our health, she strives to advance education and awareness of this very important public health issue to promote safe and healthy buildings.
Derek Jamieson
Derek Jamieson a Canadian Vet is an avid book reader and music lover.
Anna Owen
Anna Owen collaborated with various companies and grassroots campaigns in the effort to return hemp farming to the USA before joining HPS Food & Ingredients in 2016. Anna met Anndrea in 2009 at the Hemp Industries Association annual conference in which Anndrea quickly became a friend and a key mentor in the development of Anna's master thesis and professional career.
In 2010, Anna experienced the Canadian hemp fields first hand and interviewed industry leaders while researching her graduate thesis. In 2012 she earned her Masters of Arts in Social Science: Environment and Community at Humboldt State University titled; Industrial and nutritional hemp In Manitoba: A case study exploring stakeholder strategies and legitimacy.
Her mission is to bring hemp foods into the diets of both people and pets worldwide, and to see this value-added ingredient become a mainstream food staple. She is based in Southern California with her two dogs and cat, where she enjoys cooking and outdoor adventures.
Rob Vaarmeyer
Rob Vaarmeyer is a teacher, songwriter and musician living in Northern Manitoba with his wife. They are in the process of building a hempcrete home.
Greg Flavall
Greg Flavall co-founded Hemp Technologies in Asheville, NC in 2008, building the first permitted hempcrete houses in USA with breathable, all-natural building materials.Greg is a passionate Speaker/Teacher on "Universal Design" and "Future-Proofing" for "Aging-in-Place" passive income homes - aka "Green Granny Flats" and the”Boomerang Income Plan” to help ease the affordable housing crisis gripping our world right NOW!From the flowering heads to the healing tap roots, Hemp Technologies Global works with the WHOLE Hemp plant!!!
About the editor and translator of the Spanish Version
Mariana Sevilla
Mariana Sevilla is a communication specialist and photographer based in Mexico City, and a graduate of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Since 2012, she has participated in various cultural and political activities to promote the regulation of cannabis with a social justice perspective and against the war on drugs. In 2014, while studying for her master's degree and doing an exchange in Uruguay, she met Anndrea and later established a friendship during the process of regulating medicinal cannabis in Mexico in 2016.
Mariana has also taken many courses related to drug policy and human rights and has collaborated with various civil society organizations. She currently shares information about the regulatory process of drug policies on her social media platform, Mexico Regula.
Mariana Sevilla is a communication specialist and photographer based in Mexico City, and a graduate of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Since 2012, she has participated in various cultural and political activities to promote the regulation of cannabis with a social justice perspective and against the war on drugs. In 2014, while studying for her master's degree and doing an exchange in Uruguay, she met Anndrea and later established a friendship during the process of regulating medicinal cannabis in Mexico in 2016.
Mariana has also taken many courses related to drug policy and human rights and has collaborated with various civil society organizations. She currently shares information about the regulatory process of drug policies on her social media platform, Mexico Regula.
About the editor and translator of the French Version
Nathalie Turenne
Nathalie Turenne, M. Sc., a grandi au Manitoba et s’installe en 2001 à Montréal, au Québec, afin de poursuivre ses études. Son parcours universitaire l’amène à l’Université McGill (études de développement international), à l'Université de Montréal (environnement et développement durable) et à l'Université Laval (agriculture biologique). Elle a éventuellement choisi de devenir entrepreneure en misant sur son amour pour les herbes. Nathalie est devenue herboriste et membre de la Guilde des herboristes du Québec, puis propriétaire d'une entreprise spécialisée en mélanges d'herbes naturelles et biologiques, qu’elle a fondée en 2018.
Sa passion pour la culture biologique, les plantes médicinales et le chanvre en particulier, l'ont poussé à vouloir contribuer à l'avancement de l'industrie en partageant l'information et en sensibilisant la population vis-à-vis de cette plante versatile au potentiel énorme. Nathalie est l'une de celles qui croient que nous pouvons changer le monde avec le chanvre!
Nathalie Turenne, M. Sc., grew up in Manitoba and moved to Montréal, Québec, in 2001 to pursue her studies. Her academic career took her to McGill University (International Development Studies), Université de Montréal (Environment and Sustainable Development) and Université Laval (Organic Agriculture). She eventually chose to become an entrepreneur by leveraging her love for herbs. Nathalie became an herbalist and a member of the Guilde des herboristes du Québec, then owner of a business specializing in natural and organic herbal blends.
Her passion for organic farming, medicinal plants and hemp specifically, led her to want to contribute to the advancement of the industry by sharing information and raising awareness about this versatile plant and its enormous potential. Nathalie is one of those who believe we can change the world with hemp!
À propos de la réviseure
About the reviewer French Version
Née en Acadie
Née en Acadie, Vivianne Roy Mazerolle quitte les abords de la Baie des Chaleurs pour le Québec en 1983. Au Manitoba depuis 1991, elle réussit à vivre ses deux principales passions, la langue française et la chanson française, au quotidien. Traductrice de formation, correctrice d’épreuves de profession à la retraite, choriste et animatrice à la radio à ses heures, elle cherche maintenant à cultiver cette autre facette de la langue qu’est l’écriture sous toutes ses formes.
Born in New Brunswick, Vivianne Roy Mazerolle left the shores of the Baie des Chaleurs for Montréal in 1983. In Manitoba since 1991, she succeeds in living her two main passions, the French language and French music, on a daily basis. Trained as a translator, retired professional proofreader, choir member in her spare time and occasional radio host, she now seeks to cultivate another facet of the language that is writing in all its forms.
About the translator of the
Ukrainian Version
Viktoriia Pylypets-Romaniuk
Viktoriia Pylypets-Romaniuk is a specialist in agriculture, a traveler, a volunteer, and a mom of three
amazing daughters. Originally from Ukraine, she lives in Steinbach, MB Canada. One of her missions is to preserve Ukrainian language for the next generations.
Про перекладача
Вікторія є спеціалістом у сільському господарстві, мандрівниця, волонтер і
мати трьох чудових доньок. Родом з України, наразі проживає у місті Стейнбек, Канада. Одним з найважливіших завдань вважає збереження української мови для наступних поколінь.